Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited?

Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited? |

No matter how long you’ve been playing games or how new you are to PC gaming, you’ve probably heard the term “FPS” (frames per second). 

It means the number of frames per second your graphics card can make and show on your monitor. The smoother and more responsive your game will be, the more FPS you have. Gamers often wonder whether they should limit their FPS or leave it at “unlimited.” 

Some say limiting the FPS can make the game more stable and consistent, while others say leaving it at “unlimited” is better for performance and responsiveness. In this article, we’ll look at the pros and cons of both options and help you decide which is best for your gaming setup and personal preferences.

Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited?

You shouldn’t limit your FPS and let your PC hardware decide how much it can provide. FPS is based on your computer’s hardware. You can get higher FPS if you have a powerful graphics card and a motherboard that works with it. If you limit those FPS, you might not be able to experience smooth gaming.

FPS is the number of frames a graphics card can draw in one second. This number affects how smooth and responsive a game or app is. Most of the time, a higher FPS means smoother gameplay and less input lag. 

But running the FPS at a value of “unlimited” can make the graphics card work harder, which can cause it to get hotter and use more power. It can hurt performance and damage the hardware in the worst cases.

On the other hand, putting a limit on FPS can help save power, lower temperatures, and make the game more stable. Screen tearing can also be avoided by putting a limit on the FPS. It happens when the graphics card renders frames faster than the display can refresh, which causes horizontal lines and a jarring experience. 

Also, limiting FPS can help the graphics card work less, leading to cooler and quieter cooling solutions. But it’s important to remember that setting the FPS cap too low can make the game less responsive and fun. 

For example, an FPS cap of 30 may cause input lag and make the game less smooth, especially in games with a lot of action. So, it’s important to balance speed, stability, and the quality of what you see.

Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited? |

Reasons Why To Cap FPS?

Lessening The Amount Of Power Used: 

Running a game at a higher FPS requires more processing power from the CPU and GPU. Putting a limit on the FPS can help save power, which can be helpful for people who play games on laptops or other portable devices with short battery lives.

By limiting how many frames can be shown per second, the device uses less power and makes less heat. It makes the battery last longer and reduces wear and tear on the parts.

Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited? |

Improving Game Stability: 

Running a game at a very high FPS can sometimes make it unstable, leading to problems like stuttering, tearing on the screen, or crashing. By limiting the FPS, the computer won’t try to render more frames than it can handle. It can make the experience more stable.

In the world of games, the stability of the game is one of the most important parts of the experience. Stability means a game can run without crashing, freezing, or other problems. One way to make a game more stable is to cap the FPS for frames per second if you have a low-end PC.

Avoiding Overheating: 

High-end gaming PCs can make a lot of heat, and running a game at a very high FPS can cause the hardware to overheat. Limiting the FPS can help stop this by reducing GPU and CPU work.

Some players may have high-end gaming systems in multiplayer games, while others may have lower-end systems. By limiting the FPS, those with more powerful computers can’t get an unfair advantage over those with less powerful ones.

Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited? |

Caped Vs. Unlimited FPS 

Features Capped FPS Unlimited FPS
Stability A more consistent frame rate, with fewer instances of tearing and stuttering Can encounter frame drops or screen tearing if the hardware cannot keep up.
Hardware Stress Reduces hardware stress. Often, it stresses hardware to get more resources.
Power Consumption Low power consumption by hardware. High power consumption by components to provide maximum performance.
Graphics Quality Can potentially have lower graphics.  Have higher graphics.

Does Limiting FPS Increase GPU Lifespan?

Gamers often limit the number of frames per second (FPS) to lessen the load on their GPU. It involves putting a cap on the number of frames the GPU can draw per second. It reduces the stress placed on the GPU, prevents it from overheating, and increases its lifespan.  

PC gamers and PC enthusiasts often wonder if limiting FPS lengthens the life of the GPU. In this note, we’ll talk in-depth about this question.

First, it’s important to know that a GPU’s lifespan is affected by several things, such as heat, voltage, and general wear and tear. So, limiting FPS alone can’t guarantee that the GPU will last longer. Still, limiting FPS can help the GPU make less heat, which in turn can help the GPU last longer.

One of the main things that can cause a GPU to fail is heat. When a GPU is being used, it makes heat. Over time, this heat can cause the GPU to break down. By putting less stress on the GPU, limiting FPS can help reduce the amount of heat it makes. In turn, this can help make the GPU last longer.

Should I Cap My FPS Or Leave It At Unlimited? |


Limiting or capping your FPS leads to performance degradation. But it can also be beneficial if you have a low-end PC. Higher FPS can only be supported by high-end PCs with graphics cards. Low-end PCs often get dressed due to it. Capping your FPS can help such PCs experience smooth gaming. 

Moreover, limiting the FPS can save power, as a higher FPS requires high resources. As a result, your GPU needs to work harder and use more power. Lowering or limiting FPS is also a way to avoid overheating. Overheating causes damage to the component.

If you want to increase the lifespan of your GPU, you can use the FPS capping technique, as it will lessen the burden from the GPU and make it less stressed. That is why most gamers with low-end PCs use the FPS capping technique. 

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