Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11)

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Windows 11’s enhanced visual effects contribute to its higher RAM utilization.

Due to the operating system’s increased emphasis on modern design and improved functionality, Windows 11 has increased RAM usage compared to Windows 10. The increased RAM usage is a planned compromise for a more visually appealing user interface and better multitasking performance. 

Windows 11’s updated graphical interface and effects mainly cause the higher RAM usage. To render these striking images smoothly, the new UI, which includes centered taskbars, translucent windows, and fluid animations, requires more memory.

Windows 11’s focus on multitasking optimization also contributes to the increased RAM usage. The OS now needs more memory to store and handle the extra data required to run many applications at once, thanks to the advent of features like Snap Layouts and Snap Groups.

  • Modernized User Interface

The switch to a more contemporary user interface in Windows 11 contributes to higher RAM usage. The visually appealing design, which includes centered taskbars and flowing animations, demands more memory resources to render smoothly. The need for optimization to strike a balance between aesthetics and effective resource allocation is shown by this adjustment, which also improves aesthetics.

Windows 11’s taskbar and redesigned Start Menu demand more memory for streamlined navigation and quick access. Real-time updates and rich visuals that improve user experience are made possible by the interactive widgets and dynamic Live Tiles, which further increase the RAM demand.

  • Efficient Resource Allocation

The increased RAM usage of Windows 11 results from its emphasis on effective resource allocation. The OS sets aside a portion of RAM for speedy data retrieval as part of its intelligent resource allocation for enhanced performance. Users can still investigate RAM optimization techniques to successfully balance system allocation and user requirements, even though this strategy improves multitasking and app responsiveness.

Memory management for background processes and foreground apps includes inefficient resource allocation. In Windows 11, RAM is allocated based on the priority of running tasks. RAM usage, however, may increase as more apps operate in the background. Users can manually change the settings for background apps, freeing up memory for current tasks and further refining the system’s resource management.

  • Compatibility with Modern Apps

Windows 11’s increased RAM usage is a result of its interoperability with modern apps that have been tailored for current user requirements. These apps’ advanced functionality, smooth animations, and engaging user interfaces frequently result in memory demands. Users should be vigilant in limiting RAM use while enjoying the benefits of these apps to ensure the best possible computing experience.

Modern apps use sophisticated frameworks and graphical components that need more memory to run smoothly. These software options appeal to various user interests, from resource-intensive games to sophisticated creative applications. Users may strike a balance by actively tracking the RAM usage of individual apps and choosing which ones to keep running.

  • System-wide Optimization

Windows 11’s system-wide optimization strives to strike a healthy balance between resource usage and performance. This all-encompassing strategy, however, may lead to higher RAM usage. Even though users gain from the simplified system, they should proactively employ RAM optimization strategies to customize this optimization to their demands and hardware capabilities.

Background maintenance tasks, security updates, and program management are all part of Windows 11’s system-wide optimization. Collectively, these tasks contribute to RAM usage. Users can explore system options to adjust the degree of optimization, fine-tuning how resources are distributed to different tasks to ensure optimal performance while minimizing needless memory use.

  • Advanced System Services

Advanced system services included in Windows 11 improve functionality but contribute to increased RAM usage. These services make managing hardware effectively and automating upgrades and background tasks easier. Users can use RAM optimization techniques to ensure that their memory resources are appropriately utilized without burdening memory, as the OS uses these services to optimize system performance.

A variety of tasks, including autonomous maintenance and performance monitoring, are included in advanced system services. For effective execution, these services need RAM to store essential data. Users should evaluate the requirements of these services and consider selectively disabling or modifying them to save memory usage and preserve optimum system responsiveness, even when they provide essential benefits.

  • Enhanced Security Features

New security measures in Windows 11 strengthen protection but may affect RAM usage. These features offer a safer computing environment, from real-time threat detection to secure boot methods. Security processes, particularly those that operate continually in the background, may demand more memory. Users can still use these security precautions while optimizing their RAM usage.

Real-time threat detection systems continuously check for hostile activity for data storage and analysis. These processes can contribute to increased RAM usage even if they are essential for security. Users should consider customizing security settings to balance protection and performance and weigh the benefits of real-time protection against potential resource demand.

  • Augmented System Cache

Although it necessitates more RAM allocation, Windows 11 provides an enhanced system cache to improve data access speed. The cache caches frequently retrieved data to speed up retrieval times, which might lead to higher memory usage. Users can optimize RAM usage by knowing the cache impacts resource allocation and utilizing RAM optimization strategies to strike a balance between performance and memory consumption,

Access speed is accelerated by the expanded system cache, especially for frequently used programs and data. Users seeking improved performance should investigate RAM optimization techniques considering the cache’s contribution to system responsiveness.

How To Optimize Windows 11 RAM Consumption? (Win 10 Vs. 11)

Tactical changes and selective use are required to effectively control RAM usage in Windows 11. Users can optimize RAM usage through awareness and deliberate adjustments, guaranteeing smooth performance even in the face of increased resource demand brought on by the OS update from Windows 10.

Close unneeded background applications and turn off startup programs to improve RAM usage in Windows 11. Changing visual effects and animations can free up memory, improving the responsiveness and multitasking capability of the system as a whole.

Additionally, you can avoid using too much RAM by wisely managing browser tabs and extensions. Driver and system software updates should be performed regularly to guarantee compatibility and effective resource use. The Performance Mode and Background Apps options in Windows 11 can be used to simplify RAM allocation for optimum performance.

Close Unnecessary Background Apps

A simple technique to optimize RAM usage in Windows 11 and 10 is to turn off unnecessary background apps. These apps may stealthily use memory, thus impacting system performance. Users can improve system performance and free up RAM resources for active tasks by identifying and closing unnecessary background applications.

Although useful, background apps can accumulate over time and burden memory resources. It is possible to reduce unnecessary RAM use by periodically examining the open applications and closing unused ones. Users can ensure a more streamlined computer experience by keeping track of background activity.

  • Right-click the taskbar, choose “Task Manager,” find the apps using memory under the “Processes” tab, right-click on them, and select “End Task” to shut off background apps.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Disable Startup Programs

As fewer programs run during system startup, disabling startup programs in Windows 11 and 10 can drastically reduce RAM usage. Many apps are configured to launch on startup, using memory even when not being used actively. Users can improve system performance by managing startup programs to allocate more memory to running tasks.

Over time, startup programs might accumulate, contributing to memory usage and longer boot times. The startup procedure is streamlined, resulting in quicker system responsiveness, by managing these programs and deactivating those that are unnecessary or rarely used. It helps to optimize RAM.

  • Navigate to the “Startup” tab in “Task Manager,” then turn off the apps you do not wish to launch at startup. It can speed up boot times and help free up memory.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Adjust Visual Effects

In Windows 11 and 10, changing graphic effects can drastically affect how much RAM is used. The beautiful graphics and fluid animations come at the expense of memory resources. Users can balance aesthetics and effective RAM allocation by changing their visual settings to a more simplified configuration, increasing system performance.

RAM is needed for rendering visual effects like animated window transitions and shadows. Turning off unnecessary effects or customizing them will free up memory. As more memory is available for running applications, this optimization may lead to quicker reaction times and more fluid multitasking.

  • Under the “Performance” heading, select “Settings” and modify the visual effects for optimal performance.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

  • Navigate to “System” in the Settings menu, then choose “Advanced system settings.” Thus, RAM usage is optimized.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Minimize Background Processes

In Windows 11 and 10, strategically limiting background processes maximizes RAM usage. Background tasks might lead to memory usage even while they improve functionality. Users can enhance multitasking performance and system responsiveness by identifying and managing these processes, which free up RAM for running applications.

Although essential, background processes may unintentionally use up memory resources. Users can free up priceless RAM by analyzing currently running critical processes and deliberately minimizing those that are not. It ensures that background tasks improve system performance rather than degrade it.

  • To access Task Manager and control background processes, press Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Find resource-intensive background tasks under the “Processes” tab and right-click to terminate them.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Manage Browser Tabs and Extensions

In Windows 11 and 10, controlling browser tabs and extensions is essential for practical RAM usage. Numerous accounts and extensions are supported by modern browsers, which frequently use memory. Users can free up RAM and improve browser performance while ensuring seamless system functioning. They can do this by limiting open tabs, using tab suspension extensions, and regularly checking extensions.

While not actively utilized, browser tabs and extensions can accumulate and use memory. Users can temporarily free up memory without losing their browser sessions by utilizing tab suspension extensions. Excessive memory consumption can be avoided by regularly examining and turning off unnecessary extensions.

  • Install a tab suspension extension in your browser to suspend inactive tabs and temporarily free up memory. Turn off any extensions that are not essential regularly.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Update Drivers and Software

The best RAM usage in Windows 11 and 10 depends on keeping drivers and software current. Outdated components might result in memory leaks or inefficiencies, impacting system performance. Users can maintain optimal RAM allocation for improved multitasking by routinely updating drivers and software to ensure compatibility, avoid memory-related problems, and ensure efficiency.

Outdated drivers and software might lead to conflicts and inefficiencies relating to memory. Regular updates ensure flawless system interaction and avoid memory leaks that could reduce RAM availability, especially for graphics and hardware drivers.

  • Check for updates frequently by clicking “Settings,” selecting “Windows Update,” and selecting. Visit the websites of the hardware makers to obtain and install the most recent drivers for your components.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Use Performance Mode Settings

Using Windows 11 and 10 performance mode settings can dramatically reduce RAM usage. This mode prioritizes system responsiveness and efficiently distributes resources, prioritizing active tasks over background processes. Turning on performance mode ensures that users optimally allocate RAM, improving multitasking and system speed.

Performance mode directs resources towards active applications, minimizing unnecessary memory allocation for background tasks. This optimization has made computing more responsive. Switching to performance mode as needed ensures that users appropriately allocate RAM for their current tasks, enhancing performance and resource management.

  • Navigate to “Settings,” “System,” then “Power & sleep,” select “Additional power settings,” and then select “High performance” mode to activate performance mode.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Optimize Virtual Memory Settings

In Windows 11 and 10, managing RAM usage can be accomplished by optimizing virtual memory settings. The system uses a piece of the hard disc as an extension of RAM in virtual memory to help manage memory more effectively. Users can balance optimal performance and RAM usage by customizing virtual memory settings.

Virtual memory settings impact how the system allocates RAM and guarantees stable performance when physical memory is under stress. Users can optimize these settings to lessen reliance on the slower hard disc and minimize RAM saturation, promoting overall system performance and effective multitasking capabilities.

  • To optimize virtual memory settings, right-click “This PC” or “My Computer,” select “Advanced system settings,” then click “Settings” in the “Performance” section. A second time, select the “Advanced” tab, then click “Change” next to “Virtual memory.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Monitor Resource-Hungry Apps

Have you ever questioned why your computer is running slowly? It can be the resource-hungry apps consuming your RAM. Take back control of your system’s performance and multitasking skills by watching them.

Not all applications behave smoothly; some eat up more RAM than others. Put on your sleuthing cap and launch Task Manager. You can identify the offenders there and determine whether they are worth the memory feast. Improve the efficiency of your system’s memory diet to facilitate multitasking.

  • Simply launch the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc to reveal these RAM-hungry offenders. Check the “Processes” tab for resource hogs, and then send them packing by right-clicking and selecting “End Task.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Utilize Built-in System Maintenance Tools

You can use the built-in system maintenance tools of Windows 11 and Windows 10 to maximize RAM usage helpfully. These tools ensure that system performance is adequate, processes are streamlined, and resource allocation is optimized. Users can reduce the likelihood of memory-related problems and increase overall system responsiveness by using these tools regularly.

Automating tasks like disc clearing, performance optimization, and troubleshooting is possible with built-in system maintenance tools. These processes affect the use of RAM and the condition of the entire system. Regularly utilizing these tools helps avoid memory-related problems. Also, it supports a productive computing environment by maximizing RAM usage for multitasking and responsive performance.

  • Under “Maintenance,” execute operations like disc cleanup and resolve issues to ensure maximum performance. To access built-in maintenance tools, search “Maintenance” in the Start menu and choose “Security and Maintenance.”

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Clear Temporary Files Regularly

Clearing temporary files regularly in Windows 11 and 10 is an excellent way to optimize RAM usage. Temporary files accumulate over time and might eat up essential memory resources. Users can ensure a more responsive computing experience by frequently removing these files to free up RAM, stop unnecessary memory use, and free up space.

Temporary files produced by the system and applications can significantly use RAM space. Clearing these files optimizes memory and avoids potential conflicts brought on by excessive buildup. Routine file clearing supports a smoother multitasking experience and effective memory management for running tasks.

  • Search for “Disc Cleanup” in the Start menu, then select the application to delete temporary files. Select the drive you want to clean and the kinds of files you wish to get rid of.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Adjust Windows Search Indexing

You can significantly reduce the RAM consumption of Windows 11 and 10 by adjusting the indexing of Windows Search. For rapid search results, the indexing process stores files in memory. Users can optimize RAM usage by modifying indexing settings or disabling indexing in particular regions, striking a balance between search functionality and system performance.

While useful, Windows Search indexing might suck up memory as it keeps a database of files. Additionally, users can optimize RAM by customizing indexing locations, eliminating infrequently used files, or scheduling indexing during off-peak hours to prevent impacting multitasking and overall system performance.

  • To optimize RAM usage, deselect locations or modify settings, search for “Indexing Options” in the Start menu, select the application, and then choose “Modify.”

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Disable Fancy Animations

In Windows 11 and Windows 10, turning off flashy animations can drastically reduce RAM utilization. These animations require memory resources even though they contribute to an interface’s aesthetic appeal. Users can increase multitasking performance and system responsiveness by turning off or reducing animations to allocate more RAM to running applications.

The rendering of fancy animations like window transitions and visual effects uses RAM. Users can optimize RAM by disabling or reducing these animations through system settings, balancing memory allocation and aesthetics for better performance.

  • Search for “Performance Options” in the Start menu, then select the program to turn off animations. Choose “Adjust for best performance” under the “Visual Effects” tab to optimize RAM usage.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Control System Notifications

In Windows 11 and Windows 10, managing system notifications can drastically reduce RAM usage. For display and processing, notifications require memory resources. Users can prevent excessive RAM usage by managing notification settings, optimizing memory allocation for ongoing tasks, and ensuring a more responsive computing experience.

Even though they are helpful, system notifications might contribute to RAM usage. Additionally, users optimize memory by selectively disabling alerts for non-essential apps or modifying notification behavior through system settings, ensuring they save essential memory resources for active tasks.

  • Search for “Notifications & actions” in the Start menu, then select the app to handle notifications. To optimize RAM usage, change the notification settings for individual apps.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Users can balance remaining informed and optimizing RAM allocation by controlling system notifications. Users can ensure that memory resources are allocated effectively by customizing notification settings to prioritize essential alerts.

Manage Power Settings

Think of your computer as a vehicle with many driving modes. Your machine’s power settings play a part in defining how it consumes its resources. By selecting the appropriate way, you can improve performance and multitasking abilities by preventing your RAM from going into overdrive.

  • Your PC is not a universally applicable tool. Depending on your tasks, change the power settings. Choose “Balanced,” which saves energy, for general browsing. However, switch to “High performance” for that RAM increase when working on demanding tasks like video editing.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

  • Enter “Power & sleep settings” from the Start menu to change power options. Select your desired mode: balanced for daily convenience or high performance for RAM-intensive tasks.

Why Does Windows 11 Use So Much RAM? (Win 10 Vs. 11) | Cpugpunerds.com

Consider power settings like the engine’s gears on your computer. You control the flow of resources, including RAM, by matching them with your tasks. In computers, the distinction between a stroll and a boosted sprint exists. Arm yourself and let your RAM shine where you need it most.


There has been a definite rise in RAM utilization after the Shift from Windows 10 to Windows 11. Windows 11’s focus on a modernized user interface and improved multitasking features are the foundation of this change. Users can employ several practical techniques to optimize RAM usage.

Users can reclaim precious memory resources immediately by closing pointless background apps and turning off launch programs. Keeping visual effects and animations under control makes computing more enjoyable and improves performance. Software and driver updates regularly guarantee compatibility and effective resource management.

Additionally, users can customize their system’s RAM allocation to suit their tastes thanks to Windows 11’s integration of Performance Mode and Background Apps settings. Users can balance responsiveness and aesthetics by navigating through these options.

Even though Windows 11 may increase RAM usage due to its advancements, it does not need to be a problem. Suppose users have insight into the variables causing this change and possess knowledge of optimization techniques. In that case, they can maximize the performance of their systems while taking advantage of an improved operating system.

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