Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

CPU (Central Processing Unit) is also known as the computer processor. GHz (gigahertz) is nothing but the measurement of the speed of a CPU. Different CPUs have different speeds, also called frequencies, such as 2.6 GHz, 3.2 GHz, or 3.5 GHz. More the value of GHz means that the processor is faster.

CPU GHz is an important factor in computer processors. When purchasing a new CPU, its speed in GHz is kept in mind, along with its other aspects such as cores, power consumption, etc. This article discusses whether CPU GHz matters for gaming and the cause behind it. So, let’s find out the answers now.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why?

CPU GHz matters for gaming because it increases games’ FPS (also known as framerate), making them smoother. You will need a CPU with a frequency of about 4.0 GHz. The other thing to consider for graphics-intensive games is a good graphics card and a processor’s number of cores.

GHz is a unit to measure the speed of a CPU (central processing unit). A CPU with more GHz is always faster than a processor with less GHz value. For example, 3.2 GHz CPU speed is way faster than 2.6 GHz frequency. You do not need a processor with more GHz for simple tasks like web browsing, writing, etc.

CPU GHz also matters for CPU-intensive tasks such as video editing, exporting, animation, rendering, etc. You will need a higher clock speed of nearly 3.8 GHz for such tasks. But you do not need such a fast computer processor for basic computing. The cores of a CPU also matter with its speed in GHz.

A CPU with more GHz gives you a higher framerate by reducing the FPS lag. It helps your games run smoother. It also increases the graphics details of your games, especially the ones that depend on your CPU for execution. You win more games because there are no bottlenecks and fast communication among your hardware.

CPUs with more frequency have proven to enhance overall computer performance, including gaming. Here, we are going to discuss the positive effects of a CPU with more GHz in a bit more detail:

  • Higher Framerate

CPU GHz increases your offline or online games’ framerate (FPS). A higher Framerate makes your gameplay smoother and contributes to realism in realistic graphics-intensive games. A higher framerate is important in online FPS (first-person shooter) and competitive games.

FPS stands for frames per second. It is also known as the framerate. Every video game has a certain limit for the framerate, such as 60 FPS, 120 FPS, 300 FPS, etc. A game with more framerate runs smoother than a game with less FPS. The reason behind the higher framerate is more CPU GHz and more CPU cores.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

Other factors contribute to increasing the FPS of your game. The graphics card (GPU) is an important hardware specially designed to process the games. The total number of RAM and its speed also increases the framerate of your games. The last thing is a gaming monitor.

  • No In-Game Lagging

A CPU with more GHz removes the in-game lag from your games. Lag is a delay in the game’s reaction after your input. There are two kinds of lags: network lag and graphics lag, also known as FPS lag. A slow net causes the first, and a slow CPU causes the second.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

We are talking about graphics lag here, also known as FPS lag. A fast CPU eliminates this lag, making your games faster and smoother. You must upgrade your internet speed and other computer hardware, such as motherboard, RAMs, SSDs, and GPU, for smoothness.

On the other hand, a computer processor with less processing power causes graphics lag. It ruins your gameplay and entertainment. The overall lag worsens when you have a less powerful graphics card, fewer CPU cores, less RAM size, wrong game settings, a slow internet connection, etc.

  • Better Graphic Details

A CPU with more GHz matters for gaming because it provides better graphics details. Most games have ultra graphics nowadays. Hence, a CPU with more operating speed helps your graphics card to process graphics-intensive games. Whereas a slower computer processor causes bottlenecks when playing games.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

Your CPU has to perform most of the graphics-related tasks to help out your GPU (also known as a graphics card), especially when your CPU is more powerful than your GPU. The CPU GHz and the total number of cores in your computer processor determine its power. A powerful CPU gives graphics detail when gaming.

  • Faster Simulations

Making simulations faster and smoother is another advantage of a CPU with more GHz. Games like Minecraft have different simulations that mimic real-world processes such as growing crops, animal farms, automation, etc. When the graphics of your games are realistic, the simulations also become realistic.

A CPU with more GHz is recommended when you love playing simulation games such as truck driving, airplane flying, train driving, etc. But CPU speed is not the only factor behind better and faster simulation video games. The total number of CPU cores also greatly allows more processing simultaneously.

  • Faster Communication

A computer processor with more GHz causes faster communication among GPU, RAM, and other hardware. Everything in a computer system operates on clock frequency. A CPU with a higher frequency has more speed for communicating with other hardware. RAM is responsible for communication among most computer hardware.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

It is better to upgrade your RAM to memory modules with a higher frequency when you have a CPU with a higher operating speed. In this way, the synchronization improves, and the chances of bottlenecks disappear. In addition, the bus width of your motherboard also matters for faster communication.

  • Fewer CPU Bottlenecks

A computer processor with more GHz prevents bottlenecks. CPU bottleneck is a situation that occurs when your graphics card is more powerful, but your CPU is unable to perform calculations fast to fulfill its demands. As a result, the GPU waits for the CPU, which consumes a reasonable amount of time.

A CPU with higher speed and more cores eliminates the bottlenecks. As a result, your games are processed efficiently. The FPS of your games becomes higher, and the graphics details as well. Your gaming experience becomes more entertaining with more RAM installed in your computer system.

  • Faster Streaming

A computer processor with more GHz matters for gaming when you plan to live stream your gameplay. Most professional gamers enjoy playing games and live streaming their gameplay on social media platforms like YouTube to earn fame and money. So, they use a faster CPU for this.

A faster computer processor with more cores can help execute more apps simultaneously with your game. These apps include software for streaming, web browsers, CPU and GPU fan speed controllers, video recorders, sound mixers, etc. A CPU with more GHz will not let these apps affect your gameplay.

  • More Winnings

A computer CPU with more GHz matters greatly in FPS (first-person shooter) and other competitive games. You can win a game even when your CPU GHz is only 0.3 hertz greater than your competitor’s processor. The internet speed is an exception here. A player with more internet speed is more likely to win.

The reason behind winning competitive games is the higher processing frequency of a CPU. For example, a computer processor with a 3.4 GHz operating speed can perform 3 billion calculations each second. These stats increase significantly when your graphics card helps your CPU perform these calculations.

What Does GHz Do For Gaming?

GHz provides you with a higher framerate with almost no FPS lag. As a result, your gameplay becomes smoother. A CPU with more operating speed gives you better graphics details. You experience faster and smoother simulations, especially when playing simulation games. You have fewer bottlenecks and more winnings.

GHz contributes to increasing the FPS (or framerate) for gaming. GHz is a CPU’s operating frequency that determines a computer processor’s maximum speed. In comparison, the FPS (frames per second) is the speed of a game’s images displayed on your display monitor. More GHz means more FPS.

CPU is like the brain of a computer system, while GHz is its thinking speed. A CPU with more GHz processes the games faster. Games comprise graphical data such as players, NPCs, scenes, etc., and program instructions behind them. A faster computer processor processes them way faster than a slower one.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

But if your CPU GHz is slower, you will experience different issues when playing games. Firstly, your games will take a long time to load scenes, chunks, etc. Secondly, you will experience lag, which is annoying and can make you lose your game.

How Many GHz Do You Need For Gaming?

You need at least 2.0 GHz for gaming, but 3.5 GHz is better, and 4.0 GHz is best. Computer processors with higher operating speeds can perform more tasks than a CPU with less processing speed. A faster CPU also helps your graphics card perform graphics-based tasks, especially when your GPU is less powerful.

Does CPU GHz Matter For Gaming & Why? Answered |

You need a faster CPU for gaming because it will not cause bottlenecks. CPU bottlenecks occur when your CPU is less powerful than your graphics card. In this case, your graphics card waits for a specific task to be performed by your processor because it depends on that task that helps in further proceedings.

Sometimes, a CPU with more GHz is a requirement for specific games. For example, the well-known Minecraft needs a more powerful CPU than a graphics card. But in other cases, graphics-intensive games with realistic graphics require a more powerful GPU than the processor. It is best to upgrade both of the hardware.

Can You Increase GHz on a Computer?

You can easily increase the CPU GHz on a desktop or laptop computer. There are two different methods for this. The first method is to replace your old and slow computer processor with a new and faster one. This method is more economical and easy. The only problem that can occur is the compatibility issue.

On the other hand, you can increase the GHz of your processor by enabling CPU overclocking. Either you can use software for this, or you can do this through your UEFI/BIOS. This technique will work for your computer system and allows you CPU overclocking. Beware! Overclocking can cause CPU overheating.


CPU GHz matters for gaming because a computer processor with more GHz has a higher processing speed than a CPU with less GHz. As a result, the FPS of your offline and online games increases, and your games begin to run smoothly. Games like Minecraft depend on a CPU with more GHz and cores for playing properly.

A computer processor with higher GHz also increases the graphics quality of your games, especially the ones that rely on your CPU more than your GPU. Your graphics-intensive games become more realistic when a fast graphics card accompanies your fast GPU. As a result, you hardly experience any FPS lag.

A CPU with more operating speed allows faster communication among your computer hardware, such as RAMs, SSDs, graphics cards, etc. As a result, the performance and efficiency of your computer system boost insanely. You hardly experience any bottlenecks when your computer processor has more GHz.

You will experience faster and smoother simulations after replacing your current CPU with a computer processor with more GHz. Hence, a faster CPU with higher GHz is not only for increasing the overall quality of your games, but it is also essential for making you win competitive games.

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